Joint Calls

International reference centre for the genomics and diagnosis of viruses with small circular DNA

  • Acronym RCA Genomics
  • Duration 1 April 2007 - 1 April 2010
  • Project leader Holger Jeske, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Other project participants Bruno Gronenborg, CNRS Plant Science Institute ISV, France
    Susanne Ullmann*, Qiagen GmbH [Company], Germany
    Rafael E. Bejarano, University of Malaga, Spain
  • Funding National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
    Research Centre Juelich – Project Management Juelich (FZJ-PTO) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
    Ministry for Education and Science (MICINN), Spain

    *participant with own funding
  • Total Granted budget € 1,031,039


A collaborative research project uniting participants of Universität Stuttgart, CNRS Gif, Universidad Malaga and Qiagen, Hilden is proposed to utilize the innovative power of rolling circle amplication (RCA) for diagnosis and genomics of viruses with small circular DNA, like geminiviruses and nanoviruses as well as satellite DNAs. Procedures and materials will be developed that allow the centralized analysis of infected plant samples from all over the world, with emphazisis on subtropical and tropical countries. A reference database will be established for plant protection measurements as open access. For functional genomics, RCA-based techniques will be developed to identify relevant genes in the interaction of viruses and hosts, with the primary goal to select or engineer virus resistance. The project is intended to provide added value to crop sustainablity of tomato, cotton, beet and cassava among others.

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